Monday, May 12, 2008

Thanks and kudos to u all

REally wana thank God for His guidance and blessings for the 1st half of a year of my full-time ministry as a youth worker...He has really pulled me through and led me every step of the way...And for the youths, really would like to thank you all for all your encouragement and love and care and know who you are...and its usually those that read my blog...thanks...

Yesterday, I had the urge to compete once again...I have not had this feeling since last year... I wanted to quit playing pool competitively because I knew it would take alot of time and affect my ministry...But the adrenalin rush and the feeling of playing well at something you excel...that feeling is indescribable...I dunno...but sometime soon, if God permits, I would like to play in a major tournament once again...not for glory or money or whatever...just the feeling of using the gift God has blessed me with...I don't care about rankings anymore...I just want to play my best...losing also is long I compete...

Joke of the day:

Knock, knock who's there?


(Someone shoutst) No one's home.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Pain in my heart, but burden lifted

Finally...after praying and letting God talk to me...I have finally decided that although the gal of my dreams may be sweet, caring, kind and kinda angelic...she isn't the one for me...

Pains my heart but i guess its for the better before I do anything i will regret...i finally saw the light when i just feel i'm not able to communicate with her at a level where i can get to know her better...I seem to talk to all my other female frenz and communicate so much better with them than her...I guess its just finally I let God wake me up from this year-long dream and opened my eyes to the focus which should be on Him...

Therefore, I doubt you will c the happy happy go lucky josiah for a while...He's taking a will c a more toned-down and maybe even boring josiah...He's trying to get rid of his pain in heart and focus on serving God...