Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm greatly encouraged by this!

Talking about a passion for missions....2 missionaries from YWAM (Youth with a Mission) went to thailand and learnt muay thai and went around to various gyms to spread the gospel. Now they have set up their own gym to benefit the trainers, trainees and the community.

Btw their website is :


Alot of people think that muay thai is evil and spiritual and very violent, but if your focus is on God and your aim is to be fitter and to touch lives, isn't it wonderful? I really am encouraged by their work as tentmakers in a foreign country and spreading the gospel in a country where Buddhism is so so dominant.

For their work and for all the missionaries and tentmakers out there, "Phra Jao uay phra pon" which means GOD BLESS YOU!

Joke of the day:

Why is something so tall and big called a flat?


I don't know, you tell me!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Great quote from Hudson Taylor!

God's Work done in God's Way will never lack God's resources

When you go about your life serving God, never never worry for that shows disrespect to God's sovereignty and providence.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Doorstep Missions and Spreading the Gospel!

There is nothing more important than spreading the Good news or the Gospel. For those that do not understand, the Good news is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down on earth to die for our sins that we can have an eternal R/S with God if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Jesus rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God and that is why we celebrate Easter Sunday.

Therefore, let us GO and give others a chance at knowing this wonderful Saviour and letting them experience a life where God is leading us every step of the way.

Please read your bible everyday and remember to pray for those who are less fortunate, needy, and have not heard to gospel. Pray for your friends that they have open hearts that they would be willing to hear from the Word of God.

As for Doorstep Missions, there are 1 million foreigners (not born in Singapore) currently living in Singapore. 80% of them have not heard the gospel b4. Let us pray and make efforts to care, not to be prejudiced and live lifes that show that God loves them too. Let us tell them of God's love and grace.

Let us remember the Great Commission and not make it the Great Omission:

Matthew 28:19

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

Nations here does not mean countries but it means people groups (ethnic groups/ people of different race/background).

Let the Mirror Youth Ministry be one that aims to glorify God and be like Him. As in our theme verse (for those that dunno) 2 Corinthians 3:18 :

" And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed in his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

Joke of the day:

What kidney can never be used for transplant?



Friday, July 4, 2008

10 new things I have learnt about myself in the month of June!

1) I seem to work as well with kids as well with youths (children are just so cute, needing to be loved and smiling at you, so innocent and faithful...no wonder God wants us to have a childlike faith)

2) I can't stay up as late as I used to (I couldn't last past 2am in the church retreat, kept feeling sleepy and same for the children's camp wiv the LCCS)

3) I can roundhouse kick a height of 1.8m (during the 3rd lesson of muay thai)

4) I have better stamina and fitness (being able to play with youths from 10am till 6pm at sentosa, then 1 week later playing soccer from 10am till 4pm, all under the blistering sun)

5) I am still learning with regards to preparing bible study

6) I'm eating alot less than I used to

7) I am more mild-mannered than I was in army and JC

8) I am able to like someone for 1 and half years but still keep it from her (to guard her heart and to allow God to work in mine)

9) Reading ain't so bad

10) Yesterday was history, Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that's why its called PRESENT!

Joke of the day:

If a durian dropped from the sky, would you catch it with your right or left hand (this is to test your natural hand, sometimes it may not be the hand you write with)


So who said left or who said right? Either answer you must be crazy, I wouldn't catch a durian falling from the sky AT ALL. I would be mad to do so. LOL....sry just being boliao