Monday, October 1, 2007

Camp Christine - Read on b4 you make ur opinion

I hear from people complaining..i read it in come on..i really doubt anybody could have done a better job...

If you do not know what I'm talking abt, I'm talking abt the youth's camp will be at camp christine..

Trust me..we have looked at MANY different alternatives..because the committee knew you all wanted a change in area...

1) We checked St John Island campsite - Unless you all wanted to sleep tgt (guys and gals all under one bunk) and cook ur own meals everyday, I guess this ain't the one for u.

2) We checked the Sembawang BB/GB campsite. Unless you all wana pay more than $50 for the camp, we would gladly book it for you all.

3) We checked out schools, but the reason was the same, they had their own activities.

4) We even thought of using the church. Unless you want to have 40 guys waiting for only one bathing cubicle, I think its not possible.

Therefore, if anyone has a better alternative, please come and approach me. If not, try not to complain or even rant off about not coming. With that attitude, I rather you not come. You wana know why? Because this camp is not for you youths or BBs. Yes you heard me right. This camp is a glorification of God's grace and love for us. We are using the church's money and we better be good stewards of it. So either come to praise God and show that you love Him, all you can continue complaining about not going or that its camp christine again like a CHILDISH toddler.

I'm super serious about this. The last thing I want for the youths or BBs is to take anything for granted. I believe in unless you something better to contribute, you better as well shut up.

No joke today, I'm just disappointed and I hope many of you can wake up your ideas.

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