Monday, January 7, 2008

I Kiss Dating Goodbye

To everyone that reads my blog, I highly recommend the book " I kiss dating goodbye". It would totally revolutionise your thinking about finding a life partner and points you to the correct direction which is to totally rely on God when it comes to the heart matters. Unlike what the Title suggests, the book is about how we should approach our feelings and actually dating can be wrong without commitment.

This is because if you are truly ready to commit, you must be also ready to accept that as your life partner, meaning you must expect to marry the person. And being rooted in the Lord Jesus is also very very important. I can't emphasise this point more than enough. I have seen many relationships broken up because of differing faiths or religion. If it is rooted in Christ and the focus is about God, the relationship will prosper with the help of God.

Remember guys and gals, love is about giving and never expecting anything in return. So if you really think you like/love someone, you would be willing to give anything for that person to be stronger in God..not like you more and try imagining the person 30 years older..will you still like the person then without the looks? If you can truly answer this questions..maybe you are ready to let God show you the person He has promised...

Joke of the day:

What's one thing that is guaranteed pain when you kick something real hard?


Your own foot lar! hhaahah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.