Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Study Day Camp at Lutheran Church of Redeemer

Eunice, Timothy, Elena, Jermyn and me met up in QLC and made our way to Lutheran Church of Redeemer. Steffi came ard 10-15 min after we reached and we studied till 1pm. Studying was effective until Timothy broke the silence and we tokked till lunch. Lunch was at Coronation Plaza because Elena wanted as little sun exposure as possible. haha I was still able to enjoy $6 student meal which included soup, main course and a soft drink.

Then it was back to studying but we were stuck outside the church because they had locked all the doors. LOL after searching non-stop, Elena ended up calling the person in charge and we got the code to get into the church. HAHA studying was dominated by me helping Timothy with his chinese and constant chatting lol..

But amazingly, it was fun and they achieved alot of studying. Steffi and Jermyn went back and me, Elena, Eunice and Timothy went to a nearby Gelato cafe and ate ice-cream and played Taboo lol..we had endless laughter and fun..

Hope to do something like that soon...

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